Gov20LA First Day

It was amazing. More tomorrow. Follow the live stream tomorrow:,

So many incredible participants and speakers; panelists that even though I knew “who was coming” I didn’t know the energy or enthusiasm. It was mind blowing. From the Keynote to the panels, it was a phenomenal display of collaborative group sharing and learning.

At this point we know that over 52,000 Unique Individuals watched the LiveStream on TechZulu and an additional 20,000+ uniques watched on other distribution outlets. Company Founders, Governments from 5 Countries, and from all across the West and East and Central USA. Academics, Non Profits. This is real, and it happened today, and again tomorrow.

One thing we really zeroed in on is a very basic question: What is the Definition of Government 2.0?

Why, you are asking does this matter?

Very simply, the more we can simplify the language we speak about this the quicker we can achieve buy in from the interested parties and constituents. The People.

This is about the merger of Government 2.0 and Citizen 2.0 = People enforcing their ownership of the Government. Not vice-versa.

I heard from many People today about it feeling like a new level of sophistication and industry awareness is emerging. People are starting to count numbers, look at metrics. The success stories are clear, and relevant. But it was pointed out today, that in all the talk about Data, Openness, Transparency, Tools, it is all about the People. Us.

One thing I put out as a major objective of this weekend is to not just define what Government 2.0 really is, what “Gov 2.0” really is;  but to possibly create a language standard that can be applied across Governments, across the “industry.” We are up to this challenge. The incredible outpouring of enthusiasm and excitement for getting past the great unknowns of Government 2.0 and instead; making Gov 2.0 simple, easy and about People that are right here, gathered in Los Angeles. Yes you are here.

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