The Digital Divide circa 2011

The Digital Divide.

 It is still here, getting better and worse at the same time. I have written about the digital divide often, including its implications for Government 2.0 or “Gov 2.0″ as it is commonly called.

My most recent post on the issue is: However since I am writing this on a tablet it probably won’t show up as a live link due to difficulty in pasting. 

But I have a tablet, smartphone and until today a laptop. My laptop died an in-glorious death, slowly by 1s and 0s. In one day my consumption of information has dropped, and I have to work harder to achieve roughly same level of output as normal.

All of these are first world concerns. There are millions and millions of people to whom a phone is often located somewhere other than where they live. People to whom a tablet is a piece of rock or wood to work or cook on. These people don’t consume information – except that by the oldest social media there is, word of mouth. 

Many great organizations around the world are addressing the Digital Divide in their own way. But as the speed and consumption of information rapidly increases around the world, what is happening to those not part of this torrent?